Police Background Checks in Canada Explained

When it comes to police background checks in Canada, it’s essential to understand the different types of checks that are conducted and the information that they reveal. Whether you’re an employer considering a background check for potential employees or an individual looking to obtain a Canadian criminal record check for personal reasons, knowing the process and what to expect is important.

Key Takeaways:

  • A police background check in Canada can provide valuable information about an individual’s criminal history.
  • There are two types of checks: name-based criminal record checks and certified criminal record checks.
  • Name-based checks rely on the RCMP’s Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) system, but may also include searches of other databases.
  • Certified criminal record checks involve submitting fingerprints for a search of the National Repository of Criminal Records and are used when name-based checks cannot confirm a person’s identity.
  • Police checks only disclose criminal history and do not provide information on non-criminal matters or personal details unrelated to criminal records.

What Shows Up During a Police Check

During a police check in Canada, law enforcement officers see if a person has been charged or convicted of a crime. The name-based criminal record check reveals information from the RCMP’s Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) system, including the National Repository of Criminal Records. This check may also involve searches of other national and local databases.

The certified criminal record check, which requires fingerprint submission, is used when the name-based check cannot confirm a person’s identity. It is important to note that police checks only disclose criminal history and do not provide information on non-criminal matters or personal details unrelated to criminal records.

What is Checked Name-Based Criminal Record Check Certified Criminal Record Check
Charges and Convictions Yes Yes
CPIC System Yes Yes
National Repository of Criminal Records Yes Yes
Additional National and Local Databases Yes No
Confirmation of Identity No Yes
Non-Criminal Matters No No
Personal Details No No

what do police see when they run your name Canada

Understanding what shows up during a police check can help individuals navigate through the process and have a clear understanding of the information disclosed to law enforcement officers. The certified criminal record check, although more invasive in terms of requiring fingerprint submission, ensures a higher level of identity confirmation. It is important to remember that police checks are focused on criminal history and do not provide access to non-criminal matters or personal details unrelated to criminal records.

Types of Police Checks in Canada

In Canada, individuals may undergo different types of police checks to ascertain their background. These checks include:

  1. Police Background Check / Canadian Criminal Record Check: This type of check is conducted to determine if an individual has any criminal charges or convictions on their record. It provides important information regarding the person’s criminal history.
  2. Police Information Check: A police information check provides a comprehensive overview of an individual’s criminal history. It not only includes criminal charges but may also include non-conviction records, offering a more detailed understanding of the person’s background.
  3. Vulnerable Sector Check: A vulnerable sector check is a thorough examination that goes beyond criminal history. It aims to identify any record suspensions related to sexually based offenses, making it crucial for positions that involve working with children or vulnerable individuals.

vulnerable sector check

It is important to note that vulnerable sector checks can only be conducted by authorized Canadian police services. These checks are essential to ensure the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals in various settings.

Types of Police Checks Information Included
Police Background Check / Canadian Criminal Record Check Criminal charges, convictions
Police Information Check Criminal charges, non-conviction records
Vulnerable Sector Check Criminal charges, record suspensions related to sexually based offenses

These different types of police checks serve specific purposes and provide valuable insights into an individual’s background. Whether it’s a regular criminal record check or a more in-depth vulnerable sector check, each serves to ensure the safety and security of individuals in different environments.

Process for Getting a Police Check

To obtain a police background check or Canadian criminal record check, you can follow a simple process. First, you need to contact your local police service. They will provide you with the necessary information and forms to start the check.

In most cases, you will need to submit personal information such as your full name, date of birth, and current address. This information is crucial for conducting a thorough check and ensuring accurate results.

Depending on the requirements of the check, you may also need to provide your fingerprints. Fingerprint submission is mainly required to confirm your identity, especially in cases where a name-based check cannot definitively establish it.

Once you have completed the necessary forms and provided all the required information, you will need to submit them to the police service. They will then process your request and conduct the police check.

After the check is completed, the police service will provide you with the results. These results can be sent directly to you or to the organization requesting the check, depending on the nature of your application.

It is important to note that the specific procedures for obtaining a police check may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the police service you are dealing with. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the instructions provided by your local police service and ensure that you have given your consent for the check to be conducted.

By going through this process, you can obtain a police background check or Canadian criminal record check to meet the requirements of various organizations or personal needs.

Considerations for Employers and Organizations

As an employer or organization in Canada, it is important to understand the significance of police background checks. These checks are often required as part of the hiring process or for certain positions where public safety and security are paramount.

When conducting a police background check, it is crucial for employers to establish a valid occupational requirement and obtain written consent from the individual. This ensures that the check is conducted legally and ethically, respecting human rights and privacy concerns.

It is important to note that a criminal background check should only be conducted when it is necessary and relevant to the position. In some provinces, it is illegal to refuse employment based solely on a conviction, unless it directly impacts the person’s ability to perform the job. Therefore, it is crucial to make informed decisions based on the specific circumstances and consider the individual’s qualifications and capabilities.

It is essential to understand that a criminal background check is different from directly asking job applicants about their convictions. Conducting a proper police background check ensures a fair and unbiased evaluation, providing reliable information while respecting personal privacy.

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